À propos du livre
This book was written and illustrated by Brennan Huget. It really demonstrates how important our family dog, Rascal is to him in his childhood world.
Brennan started his drawings as a school project called "My Book of Me" in September of grade one. Every month there was a new drawing, and without fail, Rascal was somehow part of the picture. We decided to complete the year of drawings and put it all together as a book to share with others!
A big thank you to his teacher, Miss Bitze! Teachers play a big role in how a child learns to share his own world through words and image. That alone is powerful. Thank you.
Brennan started his drawings as a school project called "My Book of Me" in September of grade one. Every month there was a new drawing, and without fail, Rascal was somehow part of the picture. We decided to complete the year of drawings and put it all together as a book to share with others!
A big thank you to his teacher, Miss Bitze! Teachers play a big role in how a child learns to share his own world through words and image. That alone is powerful. Thank you.
Caractéristiques et détails
- Catégorie principale: Animaux domestiques
Format choisi: Petit carré, 18×18 cm
# de pages: 30 - Date de publication: oct 21, 2009
- Mots-clés 7 years old, grade 2, grade 1, me, seasons, Rascal, drawing, drawings, dog, pets, Children
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