Alghero - l'Alguer
Lungo la costa Nord della Sardegna Vol. 3 - I Quaderni del Viaggiatore ©
de Mauro Mallozzi
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À propos du livre
Nel cuore dell’Antico Borgo tra viuzze acciottolate e silenziose, nelle facciate dei palazzi d’epoca, fra le bifore e i portali murati, in un itinerario tra storia e tradizioni si celano l'immagine e la storia di Alghero. Una storia catalana racchiusa all'interno di mura secolari e botteghe artigiane da sempre cerniera tra il mondo al di là e al di qua del mare.
Gli antichi camminamenti sulle mura, ora divenuti luoghi per il passeggio e il relax, offrono suggestive viste panoramiche sul mare. Caffè e ristoranti animano la via, caratteristici spazi all’aperto dove sorseggiare un aperitivo o degustare i sapori dei tipici piatti locali allietati dalla dolce brezza marina.
À propos du créateur
“Free your mind and seize the moment”. The extension of your thought is right there in front of you, in the sight of your camera… take a look around you, let yourself go and open yourself to new experiences, lights, colors, places, perfumes, sensations. Capture first inside you and then on the film the picture in front of you as if it's the last possible. I was born in Perugia (Italy) in 1954, studied technical-scientific matters and made work experiences in the industry field. I’m passionate of photography and love traveling choosing destinations and courses I take to reach them. I overgrow pictorial, graphical and informatics interests; I’ve matured helpful experiences in the photographic field by an advertising studio and have exhibited my works in some photographic exhibition. I try to translate in reality an image creates in mind, to seize what I think and see trying to make fleeting the limit between photography and picture, pictured subject and the evocation of a feeling.