
Tal Yakobson center

À propos

Proposal for the Establishment of the
Tal Center for Integrative Oncology
at the Sheba Medical Center

The Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer seeks to establish a center for "integrative medicine" named after the late Tal Yaakobson. This center would establish and operate a new facility for integrative medicine in the Sheba Cancer Treatment Center.

Additionally, Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer seeks philanthropic funding for a related project: a new unit for adolescents and young adults in the cancer hospitalization department.

Integrative Oncology at Sheba

The Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer seeks to establish an "integrative medicine" center named after the late Tal Yaakobson, who passed away at the age of 26, after struggling with cancer.

Domaines de compétence

The Tal Center Vision: To set the standard of excellence in integrative medicine treatment.

The Tal Center Mission: To develop and promote collaborations between Western medicine and Chinese medicine for the advancement of cancer treatment, as determined by WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy to integrate traditional medicine with national health care systems, and to try to bring traditional medicine into the mainstream of the health service systems.

Affiliations professionnelles

he Tal Center Vision: To set the standard of excellence in integrative medicine treatment.

The Tal Center Mission: To develop and promote collaborations between Western medicine and Chinese medicine for the advancement of cancer treatment, as determined by WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy to integrate traditional medicine with national health care systems, and to try to bring traditional medicine into the mainstream of the health service systems.
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