À propos
I have a fascination with nature, technology, visual and sonic artwork. I nurture these interests into images, books, augmented reality, animated films and soundscapes. I aim to create artworks for audiences that can provoke meaningful dialogues and experiences that allow time and space for emotions, imagination, and new perspectives.
My artwork has been exhibited internationally at short film festivals including Anima Mundi, Ars Electronica, PuntoYRaya. My installation projection “Drive to Work” was awarded
Best Site Specific Installation at Zagreb Animafest 2017.
For my broad range of media projects I have collected several “stage names” :
"Ed Mundio" used for music profile (based on my middle name Edmund), "Owlbert" based on a character I created in "Hidden Creatures" (2008-2016),
“Messages from Trees” -timber jewellery,ornaments and mobiles "Simply Edible Gardens"(1990-200) ,organic, permaculture, landscaping.