

À propos

<br> <br><br><br> <br><br>Swedish massage has been a well-loved massaging technique for a long time. Sometimes, it's called an old-fashioned or traditional massage. This technique promotes pain relief by relaxing muscle tension by using smooth, circular strokes. Swedish massage is generally more gentle than deeper tissue massage and is more suitable for those interested in stress relief and relaxation.<br><br> <br><br><br><br> <br><br>Swedish massage Therapists use their fingers to massage the muscles and tendons through slow circular motions. A therapist may also use their hands to work on the deeper tissues of the body, using more deeply penetrating strokes. Swedish massage therapy is designed to ease tissues and muscles that are tight and reduce swelling. Swedish massage can be done by a therapist, in a massage chair, at home with a handheld device, or by