
Clare Maryan Green BA Hons

Exmoor, Devon and Somerset, England
À propos

Painter, glasspainter, animal lover and apprentice sheep farmer. Living and working on beautiful Exmoor, where stags roam free and the sky is full of stars.

Exmoor, where I live is an unusually quiet little bit of England, a designated “Dark Sky Reserve” where moon and stars shine and twinkle. The sea lashes our stony shores, and we have the second highest tides in the world. There are all kinds of secret places only we and the deer know ...

Making new stained glass windows and restoring old leaded lights is part of how I make my living, often working on really beautiful old buildings. I also paint in oil.

In springtime my stained glass windows are laid to one side, as lambs appear on the farms where I work demanding care, expertise and love. It is an exhausting time of year but I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

If you are passing this way, come and see my Retrospective Exhibition of paintings and stained glass in summer 2018 in Doveray Manor Museum in Porlock, Somerset.

Livres par Clare Maryan Green BA Hons