
Sarah Sloboda Photography

New York City
À propos

Sarah Sloboda is an artist. At her start, she apprenticed with documentary-style photographers, learning the ropes on film and in the darkroom. Then, using her love of technology, she parlayed a traditional film-like shooting style into the digital world over the past several years, while shooting internationally on assignment. Admiring journalistic photo-artists like Henri Cartier-Bresson, and having earned her BA in filmmaking at the University of Michigan, Sarah has honed a unique style she states as equally inspired by classic imagery and improvisational jazz music. She believes in using "what's there" to make art, and her laid-back approach encourages subjects to relax, forget self-consciousness, and trust her with her camera to step into rhythm with the moment. She strives to inspire people with photographic evidence of their lives working beautifully.

Domaines de compétence

children, weddings, photojournalism, documentary-style photography.

Awards, Publications & Clients: Prix de la Photographie, Paris, 2007, Citibabes, Wondertime, New York Times, The Knot, Beach Blvd. Bride, Stationery Trends, New York Magazine, Ode Exchange, Goodkin, Urban Baby, A Child Grows in Brooklyn, Sephora, CW network, BAM.

Affiliations professionnelles

ASMP, contributor to Goodkin, contributor to A Child Grows in Brooklyn, contributer to Sephora's Beauty and the Blog

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