
James Alexander Fairley

Surrey, United Kingdom
À propos

I am a student that has always enjoyed fictional writing, but find 20th Century European history and Scottish History two particularly interesting stimuli and base a lot of my writing on events in these topics.
I also have a love of acting, and enjoy theatre festivals. One of my greatest memories was at a festival in Leatherhead, where after winning we got the opportunity to perform in front of Michael Caine.
As an actor, I have recently started writing my own plays- I have started writing fictional stories too, however my focus is on scripts at the current moment in time. My current work is predominately aimed towards a student audience.
Most festivals have time restrictions of around one hour and after experience of having to cut lines last minute, I try to ensure that I always have something in mind suitable for festivals, and as I have done many student productions (most of which also run around one hour and have improvisation opportunities) I bear that in mind whilst writing too.

Livres par James Alexander Fairley