À propos
My name is Nicole Melrose and I am a closet writer. I have spent years documenting my feelings and writing stories in the forms of novellas, poems, prose and screen plays.
Some Screen plays include,
-Ruby's Balloon (A Nightmare In Chalk)
-Ruby's Balloon
-The Hollow Way
My first published work was, After Dark My Sweet, for an American Coffee Table book.
The Words I Swallowed is my first book to be published. It begins with a prologue about my childhood and growing up. Afterwards I have published a range of poetry and prose I have written over the past 15 years of my life along with a few pages of some of my modelling work (professional and candid images). Edited by Steve Coats.
I hope you are intrigued enough to either do some research over me and my work or better yet find the curiosity in purchasing my book, The Words I Swallowed.
IG: OfficiallyNicoleMelrse (unfortunately my Nicole_Melrose was rremoved)
Vimeo: Nicole Melrose
IMDB pro: Nicole Melrose
Warm regards, NM