Cockwood, Devon, United Kingdom
À propos

I travel. I collect; acquiring images, fragments, texts, objects, ideas, thoughts and responses. I consider site and origin as important locators for identity, even if the work develops beyond original points of reference. Much of my work is contextual, investigating and revealing references to mapping, journeys and networks.Issues of a sense of place interest me. These include the individual, fusions of cultures and impacting globalisation. My Zimbabwean roots influence my practice. I want to inspire varied responses by creating pieces with multiple layers of meaning. Using a wide range of ideas I push concepts around to explore themes and select the medium in which to express them. The process sometimes forms the work itself.

Domaines de compétence

The process sometimes forms the work itself. I take photographs, paint, print, make sculptures and sometimes only use the materials found at the starting place. I also work in textiles and make paper by hand.I use a technique to make glass images and stamps examples of which can be seen on my website and in my Blurb books, the original stamp is not behind the glass!