
Chuck Gumpert Art

United States
À propos

Chuck Gumpert is a Pacific Northwest painter who has been exhibited in Washington, Oregon and California; and collected nationally and internationally. His expressive, energetic large abstracts and unique figuratives are thought provoking, experimental and above all — they communicate!

Domaines de compétence

Professional gallery artist specializing in abstract expressionist paintings — particularly bold, energetic, large scale canvases... also unique, offbeat abstract figurative works. Oil, acrylic and mixed media.

Affiliations professionnelles

Current gallery representation:

DragonFire Gallery — Cannon Beach, OR
Gallery 903 — Portland, OR
Howard/Mandville Gallery at Pondera Winery — Woodinville, WA
Gallery Mack — Seattle, WA

Social media: @chuckgumpertart

Livres par Chuck Gumpert Art